What we really do?

We supply a range of genuine electronic devices, the main category being that of computer related devices. We can sell to you laptops, desktops, tablets, printers, scanners, projectors, security cameras, keyboards, mice, headsets, ups, etc.

Currently, we have one physical store which is located at the University Road, Opposite to Mlimani city shopping mall nearby the Mlimani city round-about and the Online store which can be accessed at www.cerixware.com.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the number one supplier of all electronic devices within Tanzania. This includes both markets, for corporates and retail market. In order to reach this goal we commit to our best core values in selling our items.

Our core values

We have committed ourselves to sell only genuine products to our customers. We believe these best quality products will maintain trust from our customers and will always bring value to them.

We will make sure that you experience the best customer service from our staff. Do not hesitate to ask or contact us for any issue relating to our business. We are ready to serve you better.

Apart from selling we also provide after sale support to our customers. Our team comprises of professional staff who can support you through the journey of buying and using an item you have bought from us.